The disk space function shows the total amount of data that you could have on the website hosting server at a time. With a home PC, for example, this would be the overall size of one hard disk drive or the total capacity of all hard disks in the event that the computer has more than 1. Exactly as the space on a home machine is divided between installed computer programs, docs, music files and the like, the server disk space is usually shared between website files, databases and e-mail messages. Each file, folder or email requires some storage space on your server, so you should consider plenty of factors, not just the size of the files that you will upload. For example, having sizeable email attachments or having a script-driven website in which the user-generated info is stored in a database will also affect the hdd space you are using.

Disk Space in Website Hosting

By using our website hosting packages, you'll never worry about disk storage. While most companies set up accounts using just a single server and sooner or later all the server hard disk space is in use, we have applied a cloud web hosting platform in which the files, e-mail messages and databases are handled by different groups of servers. In this way, each and every machine functions better because just a single type of processes is working on it, plus the hdd storage is limitless because we will always add extra servers or hard disk drives to the cluster, based on whether we require extra processing power or more space. You won't ever encounter a situation where you can't upload more files for the reason that there is no available hard disk space on the server, which is a problem you may come across with various providers. When you use our hosting services, you can be sure that lack of space won't ever be an issue for the development of your websites.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Servers

All of our semi-dedicated server packages have "disk space" as a feature to lay emphasis on that it's completely limitless. We're able to achieve that by means of a cutting-edge, in-house made cloud hosting platform, where your databases, emails and files are kept on different clusters of servers. We can easily add more hard drives or whole servers to any of the clusters and whenever needed, and our website hosting Control Panel was created to function with this type of platform. In contrast, nearly all Control Panels on the website hosting market can work only on one server, and regardless of what lots of companies promote, they actually make multiple accounts on just a single machine. Employing a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you will never need to concern yourself with hard disk storage restrictions and you are able to direct your attention to expanding your web sites.

Disk Space in VPS Servers

Our VPS servers provide a large amount of disk storage in order to fulfill all of your demands and not restrict the development of your websites. Naturally, in order for you to manage just a single resource-hungry site or a couple of smaller websites, you'll require more power as a whole, which means that the higher the VPS package, the more hdd storage you will get. Shifting between the plans is very easy and the additional storage space will be added to your account without migrating any data or stopping/restarting your server, so if you hit the space limit of your current plan, you'll be able to upgrade with just a few mouse-clicks in your billing section. As we offer several website hosting Control Panels for our virtual private servers, you have two options for your disk space control - by using Hepsia, all web sites share the whole server space, while when you use DirectAdmin and cPanel you will be able to create distinct accounts for your domains and set up a quota for each account.

Disk Space in Dedicated Servers

With the hard disk storage that we supply with our dedicated servers, we warrant that you will be able to manage any type of website whatever its capacity. You'll get at least 500 GB storage space, which you can employ the way you see fit - even for private file depository. As standard, you will get two separate hard disk drives, that can be used on their own, in order to use their entire storage capacity, or they can be in RAID and one will mirror the other in real time to make sure that you will not waste important data in the event of a hardware failure. You'll also be given the opportunity to add more hard drives and increase the entire disk space you can use even further. This will allow you to make a file or image depository portal without any problems if you'd like. With the cPanel and DirectAdmin hosting Control Panels that we offer, you're able to set up a separate account for every single website that you host on the server and pre-define a quota for the storage it will use. When you select the third choice, our in-house made Hepsia Control Panel, all of your domain names will be operated in a single and they'll share the overall server HDD space.